2 Famous Tourist Places In Bireuen

JURAGANBERDESA---The tour is a very pleasant thing with the aim to release all fatigue in mind. If you are in Bireuen County, you may visit the following attractions to entertain yourself which may be stressful because of work or other problems.

1. Pantai Kuala Raja

Kuala Raja is a village within Bireuen Regency close to the coast. To go there also no difficulty. The distance between Kuala Raja and Bireuen City is only 3-4 Km or it takes 15 minutes to travel. On the way to Kuala King you will find a hollow road, although close to the activities of the Bireuen District Government still the road to Kuala Raja as untouched development, if the rainy season like a fish pond. You are expected to be careful, let me not fall into the same hole later. Entering Kuala Gampong you will find an entry fee quotation post. Only Rp 2,000 you will be able to enjoy the sea views are amazing. If you like fishing, may also join a fellow fishing rod there who are willing to scratch the sun. If you need a fishing rod-there's already provided, you just bring the money.

Entering the year 2016, Kuala King Beach has many changes to its development. There is a comfortable seating area available, secure parking, until a full children playground is provided. Anyway you will feel at home for long there. But do not forget to go home, because the closing hours of activities on Kuala Raja beach is limited to 18.00 pm. Weekends or other holidays are a busy time at Kuala Kings Beach. Many families come to eat together, or young people who just enjoy the smell of the beach while drinking a bottle of mineral water and a plate of Mie Aceh. And if you're a sunset hunter, you're not wrong here. You'll find a beautiful sunset at the end of the day. Do not forget to bring a camera or Smartphone that the quality of the camera special, let you not lose the moment of a dazzling sunset.

2. Batee Iliek

Batee Iliek, as an Acehnese is already familiar with this name. Although many do not know where and what kind of tourist attractions, but his name is quite popular among the people of Aceh. Not only in the north and east, even to Aceh Besar, Central, West and South. This place is popular because of the drama musical and Acehnese jokes that often mention the name of Batee Iliek in the dialogue. "Eumphang Breueuh" is one drama series that makes a lot of people know and familiar with this name. So did I feel, until one day the opportunity to come.

Because so popular name Batee Iliek, every day there are always visitors who come. This tourist place is loved by many people, especially young people, but not infrequently also the parents make Batee Iliek as a place berekreasi with keluarga.Batee Iliek located not far from the welcome gate in Bireun District. Regency adjacent to Pidie Jaya is famous for its abundant milkfish, so it is not surprising that every party party with milkfish dishes is always easy to find.

Batee Iliek tourist area can be seen directly from the national road, because its position is located on the road between Banda Aceh - Medan, precisely in District Samalanga. Easily access makes it a place frequented by humans who are thirsty for entertainment.

Related : 2 Famous Tourist Places In Bireuen

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